Friday, March 24, 2006


A Critical Queer Theory in Law? Like Critical Race Theory (in relation to Critical Legal Studies)-- but, to quote E. Patrick Johnson, a Critical Quare Theory. (Quare is, for Johnson, "thinking racialized sexuality"––see Black Queer Studies.)

Am I forgetting something obvious?


At 2:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sure--Janet Halley and Wendy Brown have a law book that does some of this (from Duke I think); there are some great pieces on Bowers v. Hardwick; the casebook I sometimes use in teaching is Sexuality and the Law, I can't recall the editor, but it has some from Sedgewick and Butler; Butler's book on Hate Speech might fit here, Paul and I have an essay on it in Constellations; there is also terrific trans stuff in law; again, some in the case book I use and Paisley Currah among others writes in this area.

At 2:54 PM, Blogger hysterical blackness said...

Thanks Jodi - i've got Butler's Hate Speech book and I have the sexuality & law casebook (actually from when you taught. I bought aa copy). I knew I was forgetting.

And I know that M. Jacqui Alexander does work as well.

At 3:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope this doesn't post--anyway, I'm using a new casebook, not the one edited by Frug, but also published by Foundations. So I think it is called Sexuality and the Law and Frug's is Women and the Law or Feminism and the Law. The new one has more gay and trans cases and does a great job contextualizing and expanding sexual expression via free speech cases. The book is in my office, but if I dig up a reference I'll send it to you.

At 3:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

argh--I meant that I hope I didn't double post because a previous response didn't show up


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